Saturday, February 16, 2013


Somehow I was blessed with this ability to be very open and honest with any and every person on this planet. I don't know where I got this trait but nevertheless I have it. From day one with my hubby I have been shocking him with so many things that I'm surprised he didn't run away in those beginning months of courtship. In fact one of his first "firsts" was one night after a long night of drinking he woke up to a puddle and me sweetly explaining that I peed the bed. I have never seen such shock on a persons face in my life and we still get a good laugh out of it 5 years later. Then there was the time that I asked him to join me in the bathroom because I wanted someone to talk to while I was doing my business. We had a lot of deep conversations in that tiny bathroom. One time I woke him up screaming that he needed to get the puppies off the roof before they fell and got hurt while I was standing over him. Imagine waking up to that nightmare! Another time I woke up outside by the pool looking for a lost kid. At some point I even grabbed my robe (thank goodness) and I was very fortunate not to step in any dog poop, how I didn't I have no idea. I almost killed him once by tickling him to much. In my defense, I love to hear his laugh and I didn't know he was dying until he started turning colors.

Then there are the firsts that many people experience together. I have a very affectionate family and we give lots of hugs and kisses, this use to be very uncomfortable for him. I'm very opinionated and if I disagree with something he knows, in fact the world knows! I'm a huge animal lover so naturally we have a house full of dogs that all needed a loving home and they all think they need to sleep with us. He likes corn with his spaghetti and I think that's insane. He will only let me mow the backyard because my lines aren't straight enough. The first time he told me no, which was such a shock that it hurt my feelings (now I hear it more often!). Our mood swings. The list goes on and on. You all know what I'm talking about! Some of our shockers are nasty or embarrassing but still shared and laughed about or ignored, whichever we need to do at the time!

Relationships are crazy. I'm very fortunate to have such an understanding husband (most of the time) and I'm thankful that I can really talk to him even if its shocking the sh!t out of him! That's just a bonus...

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1 comment:

  1. Keep at it sweetness. You're doing fine.

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